A step-by-step guide for staking NCash to become a Genesis Node



The much-awaited date is here — 15th November 2021 that all of you have been waiting for. To help you onboard the Nitro Network staking program effortlessly, here is a step-by-step guide on how to stake your NCash, become a Genesis node and be eligible for the basketful of incentives and special staking rewards as genesis node, which we have created exclusively for you!

Step 1: Launch the portal

Your first step is getting on to the portal so here’s how you launch it. Go to https://staking.nitro.network/ click on it and this screen will appear.

Step 2: Connect to the MetaMask wallet

This is an important step. Go to the tab on the top right and connect to the MetaMask wallet. To know more about the MetaMask wallet click here.

Steps for adding NCash to MetaMask

a) Add custom token in the MetaMask

b) Mention contract address: 0x809826cceab68c387726af962713b64cb5cb3cca

c) Enter token name: NCash

d) Digits: 18

Step 3: Authenticate your MetaMask wallet

Once you connect to the wallet, authenticate it by checking Balance on the portal screen. It will show you your current NCash balance and NCash you have staked.

Step 4: Authorizing your MetaMask wallet

As part of the standard staking process using the MetaMask wallet, authorization will happen twice. One for approving transactions and other for staking ( Please refer to Step 7)

First authorization
Your transaction will first be approved. A new pop-up screen will open with a request to approve the transaction. Click on “Approve”.

Step 5: Transaction in progress

Once this is done, the screen will show a dialogue box showing that your transaction is in progress. Please wait patiently for the transaction to happen.

Step 6: Approval of the transaction

Once your transaction is approved, the screen will show a dialogue box saying “approved”.

Step 7: Ready for staking

Enter the amount of NCash you want to stake and click the “Stake”

Second authorization
You will have to confirm your stake. A new pop-up screen will open with a request to confirm the stake. Click on “Confirm”. After that “In progress,” dialogue box will appear. Please wait patiently for confirmation.

Step 8: Confirmation

Congratulations! Your staking has been approved! You will get a confirmation screen of the same.

Snapshot of confirmation of your transaction on etherscan.io:

Step 9: Activity details

Your balance on the portal now shows the latest numbers. The Metamask wallet shows the details of the activity.

You can also go to etherscan.io and check all the tokens that have been staked.

Now that you have a fairly clear idea on how to stake your NCash, go ahead become a Genesis node and enjoy all the benefits and rewards. Happy staking!

Useful links:

  1. Metamask download: https://metamask.io/download.html1
  2. How to set up MetaMask wallet: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489531-Getting-started-with-MetaMask

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