Tapping underutilized bandwidth can change the game in how we function in this world.

5 min readNov 27, 2021


Previously, measuring your bandwidth meant focusing just on internet traffic; however, bandwidth monitoring now includes a larger variety of components. Despite the traffic you’re watching, it’s critical to know how much bandwidth is being used so you can make sure your users are getting the greatest possible performance from your network.

Bandwidth is the quantity of data transmitted in a given length of time, typically calculated in bps. Thirty years ago; data was conveyed through tangible media such as the postal service. Currently, there are a plethora of ways to send or receive vast quantities of data at the touch of a button.

With a global population of 7 billion people in 2012 to about nearly 8 billion people now, skyrocketing demand for interconnected devices is inevitable.

The total number of linked devices, on the other hand, is only a minor fraction of the whole picture. The insatiable demand for high-speed connection, ubiquitous broadband access, and the linked services that must fuel all of these new gadgets is also implicit in this increase.

The subject of how to manage spectrum for industrial uses, which requires licensed spectrum, is a major element affecting the adoption of wireless solutions. Some nations have reserved spectrum for industrial usage, whereas others do not. 5G can be seen as the cornerstone for the next revolution, many even suggest that it is equivalent to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Communications service providers (CSPs) have a wonderful chance to build and acquire new market sectors by fostering innovation, effectiveness, and profitability across multiple industries.

Do we have the bandwidth for IoT & smart devices?

With more and more connected devices, the internet of things is set to drastically change the way we live. However, there are possible security risks with this technology due to the interconnected nature of our devices.

Some analysts have estimated that the number of connected IoT devices growing 9% to 12.3 billion globally, cellular IoT now surpassing 2 billion. (Source:https://iot-analytics.com/number-connected-iot-devices/)

As IoT devices grow, we need new ways to maintain a high bandwidth among all developments. Currently, the technology used in many IoT devices operates wirelessly and often without large amounts of data transfer, but as more and more connections happen, new models and advancements will be needed.

In the same way that the jump in bandwidth demand for digital culture, TVs, and iPhones when uploading video data, can be expected when IoT devices become mainstream. For example, when smartphones became capable of sending video data, the demand for bandwidth jumped.

Applications of IoT to 5G

5G is occupying the spotlight in many tech conversations and the question of its potential with IoT applications is not yet crystal clear, though a majority of leaders in the space are seeing immense opportunity. The transitions for platforms currently on 2G, 3G, 4G technologies are yet to be fully determined but the good news is that companies and organizations can rejoice in the fact that the advent of 5G and IoT could have been timed better. As with 3G and 4G, the advent of 5G is not a sudden phenomenon — rather it is snowballing in waves, following a path of commercialization and easy deployment.

We are seeing how 5G’s superior attributes such as much faster speeds, more connected devices, enabling service and application deployment without the need for external hardware, rapid end-to-end latency, high data volume are what make it the first choice in a rapidly advancing hyperconnected world. This makes it truly game-changing and the platform of choice for a number of innovations that can easily be applied in real-world use case scenarios.

Combined with IoT the opportunities can be mind-blowing. Today, cellular is a large part of a number of applications. While we are familiar with a smartphone streaming a video effortlessly, 5G has the capability to support a wide range of use cases in IoT applications such as smart energy application, smart cities, industry 4.0, healthcare, governance to mention a few. 5G has the potential to rise to the demand of IoT use cases which covers three major categories — low-power IoT applications, industrial and critical IoT applications, and the consumer market.

The new 5G spectrum will be able to deliver over 100 times the bandwidth of 4G LTE. This means that internet speeds are likely to increase by around 10 gigabytes per second. It is also more responsive so there are less delays in loading web pages or videos. Tech giants such as Apple, Google, and Facebook have already begun to develop their 5G networks to support their vision for IoT devices, AR, VR & other next-generation technologies.

Summing Up

While we can keep on building a case for underutilized bandwidth and the huge potential it entails, right now broadband internet has rapidly expanded in reach and availability. 4G is in the threshold phase of transitioning into 5G and even 6G. IoT will connect more devices with built-in wi-fi capabilities and sensors. The cost of connecting is decreasing, usage of smartphones is accelerating. All this augurs well to use the potential of underutilized bandwidth and new networks that are emerging. It’s how agile and smart we can be to take advantage of this phenomenon that will dictate our foray into a wholesome hyperconnected world.

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