Nitro Network Nesting: Phase 1 — Rewards

4 min readJul 6, 2022


Nitro Network is leading the movement to bring user-centric improvements to the decentralized communication space. This is encapsulated perfectly by Nitro Network Nesting, an innovative way for people to host the Nitro Network from anywhere in the world.

Nitro Network Nesting aims to elevate collaboration, which is why the Nitro ION Miner device (Nesting device) will be provided to the user for no net cost, after the refundable $100 deposit is paid back in the form of NCash rewards.

Introduction to Nesting

Nitro Network Nesting offers a similar premise to Nitro Bot Non-Fungible Miners (NFMs), which are NFTs that have reward-earning utility. Rather than an aesthetic NFM, Nesting utilizes a long-range, wide-area networking (LoRaWAN) device called a Nitro ION Miner. This technology is unique from other decentralized private communication networks (PCNs) in that it minimizes network congestion while offering improved reward distribution. The best part is that these Nitro ION Miners are completely free-of-charge since the deposit can be earned as #staking rewards, and the device can be set up in any Wi-Fi-connected area with just a 10×10 inch space!

Nesting in a nutshell. Source: Nitro Network Medium

Once verified and approved by Nitro Network, one can begin hosting the Nitro Network and start earning rewards based on the tier their city is assigned. Check out this previous article to learn more about the benefits of Nesting.

Nesting rewards

Nitro Network aims to elevate collaboration and place autonomy into the hands of its Nesters. Given this, Nitro Network has designed its rewards in a way that fairly compensates its Nesters. So how does it work?

As per Nitro Network tokenomics, Nesters will earn network infrastructure rewards, network coverage validation rewards and network data transfer rewards for their contributions to host and maintain Nitro Network’s PCN infrastructure. These rewards derive from a pool composed of the Avalanche-native NCash token. Currently, only Tier 1 Nesting cities are offering rewards, but as more tiers and cities are made available, new dedicated pools will be introduced and allocated.

Nitro ION Miner distribution

Wondering how to check one’s eligibility to be a Nester? Nitro Network will soon launch the first part of its Nesting roadmap, deploying 1000 Nitro ION Miners across eight Tier 1 cities: New York City, Los Angeles and Miami (FL) in the United States and Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai and Delhi in India. Register for Nesting here.

A pool of 181,108 NCash per EPOCH (30-minute duration) has been allocated for Tier 1 Nesters. This means the first 1000 Nesters will earn about 182 NCash per EPOCH, and with 48 EPOCHS each day that’s a potential* daily reward of 8,736 NCash.

Don’t miss out!

Registration and KYC processing have already begun for the first deployment of Nitro ION Miners, so the time is now to sign up! Keep in mind, only one Nesting device is allowed in a one kilometer radius, so the sooner one registers, the better their chances are to be the first in their area to be approved. Along with being the first to access Nitro Network Nesting, all early registrants will be granted:

  • Massive daily rewards
  • 100% refundable hardware deposit
  • Staking rewards on security deposits

Ultimately, Nitro Network’s ethos is keeping the community at the center of its decentralized PCN, creating value for its users through exciting incentive programs. Nitro Network Nesting is one such initiative, and with two more quarters left in the year, there’s much more for the community to look forward to.

Make sure to stay on top of Nitro Network’s latest milestones and advancements by following the company on its social platforms. Moreover, to participate in hassle-free crypto mining on the frontier of Web3 without any hardware, join Nitro Network by grabbing a Nitro Bot NFM today!

(#edited for clear communication)

*Subject to eligibility criteria of Nesting

About Nitro Network

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Nitro Network is building the largest decentralized private communication network (PCN) powered by IoT combined with LoRaWAN and 3G/4G/5G. This hyperconnected world will enable unlimited use cases in our everyday life. Participants of Nitro Network’s decentralized PCN are part of an inclusive ecosystem that they own, operate and earn from. Nitro Network’s PCN will be a game-changer and has its proprietary token, NCash, at its core. On Nitro Network, everybody wins!

